Fun Home's visual language
Fun Home distinguishes itself from the other books in our unit by being a graphic novel. This opens it up to an entirely novel (hoho. haha.) dimension of expression, the visual realm. Aesthetics are very important to the core of the book: the two core characters, Alison Bechdel and her father, Bruce Bechdel, both express themselves largely aesthetically, Alison through visual art and personal styling, and Bruce through decoration of his house. This meta-parallel between the subject and medium is replicated one layer lower, through visual symbolism expressed in the panels of the graphic novel. A fascinating visual dualism presents itself in the form of the third and the final panels of Fun Home. Both are a reference to a core analogy Bechdel makes, comparing herself to Icarus and her father to Daedelus, two figures of Greek myth. Notice the similarities. In both, Bechdel is above her father, and supported by ...